2015年5月25日 星期一

Attended GNOME.Asia 2015 in Indonesia

I am really happy have a chance to attend GNOME.Asia 2015 summit in Indonesia. This is my first time join to GNOME conference, it's also my first time visit to Indonesia. I really appreciate for GNOME Taiwan community and openSUSE Indonesia community friends' help in Depok. And I very think for GNOME.Asia and openSUSE's sponsor to my air ticket and hotel. It's a wonderful experience to me.

The location of GNOME.Asia 2015 venue is at University of Indonesia, Depok. It's a beautiful university:

The GNOME workship in day 0:

David King's session: "Writing your first GNOME application"

Speakers from more than 10 different countries:

Team discussion in workshop:

This special building is library in University of Indonesia:

There has a beautiful lake in university. GNOME.Asia venues are just around this lake:

The front door of Balairung, the main space of start/end and lighting talk:

Setting up the booth of of openSUSE ID. It's just simple in day 0. But it will have a big chance after openSUSE Indonesia community friends' help in day 1 and day2:

The openSUSE material and posters:

Banner, openSUSE is the silver sponsor of GNOME.Asia 2015:

The front door of venue:

There have 4 rooms for sessions:

My session is in latest day, about hibernate signature checking:

There have many banners on front door:

Show the different Linux distro:

openSUSE Indonesia friends setup computer, Raspberry pi to demo openSUSE. And also they provide interesting questionnaire for earning openSUSE T-shirt:

openSUSE Indonesia friends. Edwin, Yan, Adnan, Andi. Without them, it's impossible to setup wonderful booth to openSUSE. They also handle a amazing project to promote OSS in schools:

Many people visit to openSUSE booth:

The big hall for start/end and lighten talking:

Sesions start at the day 1 afternoon...
Join to the session "Open Source Software in Shoes Industry", Iwan S. Tahari. He is from shoes manufacture "Fans" to present their status of using OSS in the company. "Fans" is also the sponsor of GNOME.Aisa shoes:

"Fans" is using OSS on desktop and server for their designing and making shoes:

The second session that I joined is Chen Shing Yuan's presentation "Promote FOSS Education to Remote Areas in Taiwan and China":

The Aletheia University in Taiwan have a project to promoting OSS, English and Culture to the school in Xinjiang, China. It's far and less resource for the children in school:

The third session I joined is Anton Siswo Raharjo Ansori's "An Overview, Maximize The Ability of The GNU/Linux Operating System Using "In Memory Computation" for Academic, Business and Government":

The lighten talk of day one:

Talking with GNOME contributor:

The local GNOME user raised questions to experts:

I join to Edwin's session at afternoon on day 2:

The subject of Edwin's session is "Using Linux for Basic Education, Is it Feasible?":

Their project is promoting OSS to schools:

It's amazing for Edwin's project already promote and setup OSS to 500 schools. Cool!

It's really not easy to promoting OSS to teachers and students. openSUSE Indonesia community show us their tough working:

Then I join to Matthew Waters's session: "gtkgst: Video in your Widgets!"

Then Bin Li's interesting session "GNOME-Shell on Nexus 7". I think the only problem is need to find out the official kernel of Nexus 7 that's announced by Google:

Then, join to Franklin Weng & Eric Sun's "The evolution of ezgo development & Why Do We Insist Promoting FOSS in Taiwan's Campus?":

The ezgo is also a excellent project in Taiwan launched for education:

Sorry for I didn't take the picture for my own presentation, but my slides is here:

The lightening talk at the afternoon in day 2:

Ending of conference:

GNOME.Asia people done a great job to host GNOME.Asia 2015 (Max, Haris...):

openSUSE sponsor to GNOME.Asia 2015. And also thanks for GNOME.Asia sponsor to openSUSE.Asia at last year:

We all got the GNOME.Asia shoes from "Fans":

Thanks for very body's join, it's a wonderful conference:

The final picture is a note for anyone want to trip to Indonesia. The type of power socket the same with Europe, just feel free to take Europe type power adapter to Indonesia:

I am really happy to join GNOME.Asia 2015 summit. Not just to meet GNOME community friends from many different counties, but also I meet openSUSE community friends in Indonesia. I hope there have chance openSUSE.Asia can go to Indonesia, then I can trip to this good country again.

More pictures are here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/104068895@N07/sets/72157653462172002